Quick guide to common stretches

Having trouble remembering the correct position for our post-run stretches? Fear not - here's a quick guide! If both feet are on the ground, they should be parallel / pointing in the same direction - check that back foot: is it pointing in the same direction as the front one?Feet should be flat on the floor for all stretches belowHold each stretch for a maximum of 15 seconds to prevent the stretch becoming an exercise Place front foot so that there is a full foot-length between the feetKeep front leg straight (and front toes on the ground)Bend back leg at knee until knees are more-or-less levelPivot forward at hip until the stretch is felt in the hamstring of the straight leg Stand on one foot, with a slight bend in the knee of the leg you are standing onHold the other foot above the laces (e.g. at the ankle)Raise the ankle up to the bum (or as close as it will go)With an...
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What’s all the “PE” about?

You might have seen some of our athletes adding the letters 'PE' and a number at the end of their Strava run names. Wondering what that's all about? Well read on! An important part of any training plan or program is to manage the training 'load'. Load is a measure of the total amount and intensity of training over a period - usually a week. Load matters for two key reasons: For a training plan to be progressive, we would usually look to increase the load steadily for three weeks before dropping it back (a 'recovery/rest' week) and then building up again. This pattern allows the particular areas of fitness being focused on to be developed.Research shows (see reference 1 below) that spikes in load - i.e. a week with significantly higher load than the preceding weeks) can increase the risk of injury very significantly. Therefore it is important for us to be aware of our loadings and ensure we aren't creating...
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