Club Places for Our Members

Each year, the organisers of the London Marathon allocate places to England Athletics affiliated clubs based on the number of members they have registered.

Hambleton Athletics and Running Club’s place(s) will be allocated by way of a draw, which will usually be drawn at our annual Awards Night, each September.

In order to be included in the draw, club members must submit proof of unsuccessful ballot entry (eg – a rejection email from the event organisers) in accordance with instructions and deadlines issued in August each year by the club.

The following eligibility criteria will be applied:

  • Members must have been a club member for a minimum of 12 months immediately prior to the draw.
  • During the period September to August immediately prior to the draw, members must have achieved a minimum attendance at club sessions of 20%.
  • Members will not be eligible to win the club place for two consecutive years.

If no members fulfil all of the criteria, then criteria will be removed one at a time from the bottom of the list, until at least one eligible candidate is found. If no candidates meet even the first criterion, all club members will be invited to put their names forward for the draw.

The successful recipient must not transfer the club place to anyone else. Should they be unable to take part or change their mind prior to registering the entry, there will be a subsequent draw to select from the other candidates still wishing to be included. In order to minimise the chances of the club place not being used, the event registration details will be shared with the recipient close to the registration deadline (which is set by the event organisers), and only when they have confirmed their intention and availability to take part.


The lucky winner for 2024 was Ruth Hancock! As you can see, Ruth had an absolute blast and loved every minute of her London Marathon experience, smiling and dancing her way along the packed course. Well done, Ruthie – you are an inspiration!

“What an absolutely fabulous experience! From the moment my name was announced at Awards Night, to crossing that illustrious finish line, London Marathon surpassed every expectation. And I cannot be more grateful for the opportunity – I am extremely lucky.”


Our 2023 representative was Phill Heward.

Phill was absolutely thrilled to receive the club place for the London 2023 and, having trained hard for his first marathon, he finished the event in a fantastic 4 hours 10 minutes. Superb, Phill – well done! We’re all really proud of you!

“I’m really happy to have finished the London Marathon. It was every bit as tough as I expected but even more enjoyable than I had hoped. Thanks to all for the encouragement and to HARC for the opportunity.”