Track and Field Club Day: provisional results

Track and Field Club Day: provisional results

More to follow about this morning's fantastic track and field session with our fabulous friends from Team Caterpillar. For now, here are the provisional results: 1500m 1John Holliday06:04.02Adrian Putley06:22.03Doug Luettke07:14.04Clair Boddy07:24.75Dave Oldacres07:26.86Lisa Carney07:31.57Sara Sherwood08:49.58Karen Farrier08:50.09Denise Spence09:46.410Jackie Glass09:58.0 800m (heat 1) 1John Holliday03:01.62Adrian Putley03:03.63Elsa Styles03:15.64Dave Oldacres03:38.35Clair Boddy03:50.66Sara Sherwood04:19.6 800m (heat 2) 1Gemma Gardner03:49.02Lisa Carney03:53.23Sarah O'Connor03:59.04Alison Pearce04:02.95Janette Croft04:16.26Elizabeth Whitehead04:53.57Denise Spence04:57.7 800m (overall) 1John Holliday03:01.62Adrian Putley03:03.63Elsa Styles03:15.64Dave Oldacres03:38.35Gemma Gardner03:49.06Clair Boddy03:50.67Lisa Carney03:53.28Sarah O'Connor03:59.09Alison Pearce04:02.910Janette Croft04:16.211Sara Sherwood04:19.612Elizabeth Whitehead04:53.513Denise Spence04:57.7 200m 1John Holliday00:32.02Elsa Styles00:34.03Adrian Putley00:36.94Doug Luettke00:48.1 100m (heat 1) 1Dave Oldacres00:17.52Sarah O'Connor00:18.33Gemma Birtles00:18.94Clair Boddy00:19.25Karen Farrier00:20.86Sara Sherwood00:21.77Alice Inglis00:21.9 100m (heat 2) 1John Holliday00:15.12Elsa Styles00:16.23Janette Croft00:16.54Adrian Putley00:17.35Lisa Carney00:18.26Gemma Gardner00:18.57Alison Pearce00:20.18Elizabeth Whitehead00:29.1 100m (overall) 1John Holliday00:15.12Elsa Styles00:16.23Janette Croft00:16.54Adrian Putley00:17.35Dave Oldacres00:17.56Lisa Carney00:18.27Sarah O'Connor00:18.38Gemma Gardner00:18.59Gemma Birtles00:18.910Clair Boddy00:19.211Alison Pearce00:20.112Karen Farrier00:20.813Sara Sherwood00:21.714Alice Inglis00:21.915Elizabeth Whitehead00:29.1 4 x 100m relay 1Adrian PutleyGemma BirtlesDave OldacresElsa Styles01:11.42Lisa CarneyKaren FarrierAlison PearceJohn Holliday01:13.13Gemma GardnerSara O'ConnorClair BoddyJanette Croft01:14.9...
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Track and Field Taster Day

Track and Field Taster DayOn Saturday 26th June, Hambleton Athletics and Running Club hosted a Track and Field Taster Day at Eastbourne Sports Complex in Darlington. HARC members were joined by friends from Team Caterpillar, a running group based from Richmond. After a safety briefing and warmup, the athletes tried their hand (or legs?) at the middle-distance events – 800m and 1500m. 23 athletes took part in these two events, and although it was the first track running experience for many, everyone enjoyed having a go. John Holliday from Team Caterpillar finished first in both events with some impressive times: he completed 800m in 03:01 and 1500m in 06:04, with his team mate, Adrian Putley, not far behind. After a short break, HARC’s Head Coach Chris Lees coached an introductory session for three of the four athletic throws: javelin, shotput, and hammer. After practising the basic skills with a range of beginner ‘equipment’ (which included basketballs in carrier bags to simulate the...
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🏆 FLEETHAM CUP 🏆 On Saturday 19th June, 15 members of Hambleton Athletics and Running Club took part in the Fleetham Cup, a series of regular road time trials organised by Yorkshire Race Walking Club. Participants may choose to run or walk any multiple of 5km in these events. Our 5k runners were simply fantastic and achieved the following times: Craig Keedy – 19:42 (2nd place in the 5k event)Chris Lees – 22:42Rich Schofield – 22:45Kay Kelly – 25:01Charlie Villers – 28:45Andrea Lingwood – 29:24Sarah Hill – 32:06Lisa Kirby – 32:34Lauren van Buuren – 34:58Tony Jowett – 35:32Alice Inglis – 35:32Denise Spence – 37:17Jackie Glass – 38:21Sarah Milford – 41:11Jo Hill – 43:30 Special mentions… • Craig went on to complete a second lap and finished his 10k run in 39:15 – the fastest 10k time recorded at the event! • Rich also took on an extra 5k, finishing in 45:53 which gave him 3rd place in the 10k. • Charlie just kept on going and completed...
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Hambleton Athletics and Running Club Complete Another Couch to 5K Programme

HARC’s latest Couch to 5k cohort graduated on Saturday 12th June, becoming fully-fledged runners. After ten weeks of hard work, the group completed their grand finale run at Cod Beck Reservoir in glorious morning sunshine with lots of support from fellow HARC members. They were then presented with certificates and medals to celebrate their amazing achievement. We would like to say a huge well done to them as we welcome them to our regular club sessions and help them as they continue their running journeys. Well done, Team HARC! Please contact us with membership enquiries or for further details of our beginner, intermediate and 1:1 coached programmes....
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Kiplin Hall & Gardens 10k Trail race

On Wednesday 9th June, members of Hambleton Athletics and Running Club attended the Kiplin Hall & Gardens 10k Trail Event organised by local group MAD Races. This event, which was run in a Covid secure manner, was another welcome return to the race experience for the athletes. The course was laid out over two 5k laps taking in the formal gardens, grassland and lakeside views set within the estate of the beautiful Jacobean historic house. The sunshine highlighted the splendour of the setting but the heat and humidity made it a tough run for the participants. Kay Kelly came 5th in her category with a time of 55:15. Sara Sherwood and Anna Bonner, competing in only their second ever trail race, crossed the line in 1:13:43. Although not running, Alasdair McWilliam made his contribution to the event by marshalling. Another HARC member, Michael Bonner, kindly took photographs and cheered the runners on at checkpoints and at the finish line. Anna said “This was a...
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Lakeland Trails Coniston Marathon Event Weekend

HARC Runners at Lakeland Trails Coniston Marathon Event Weekend Lakeland Trails hosted their annual ‘Marathon Event’ in Coniston on Sunday 6th June. Three runners from Hambleton Athletics and Running Club took part. The marathon and half marathon courses wound their way through the foothills below Coniston Old Man, before taking in a lap of the extraordinarily beautiful Tarn Hows. The half-marathoners then headed back down to the village while the marathon runners ran all the way around Lake Coniston. Alasdair McWilliam took on the full marathon – 26.2 miles of challenging hills and terrain – a fantastic achievement, especially in the scorching heat. Gemma Birtles faced her first ever half marathon with support from Head Coach, Chris Lees. They finished the course despite a comic book head injury and celebrated with a paddle in Lake Coniston after crossing the line. Alasdair and Gemma are both qualified run leaders and have recently assisted the rest of the coaching team in delivering a Couch to 5k...
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Hambleton Athletics and Running Club hit the Tracks

On Saturday 8th May HARC members travelled to the Eastbourne Sports Complex in Darlington for a Track Experience Day. The weather was anything but kind with very heavy rain and an icy cold wind. The athletes started off with a 5000m run on the track – for some it was the first chance to run on a track and while the flat, even, surface provided a welcome contrast to potholes on the lanes around Bedale completing 12.5 laps of the track without hills or scenery as distraction was a tough challenge. Despite this, all the athletes were close to or ahead of their personal records for the distance which was a great boost given the conditions. After welcome warm refreshments and some coaching tips the group went on to try their hands at the 800m middle distance run followed by 200m and 100m sprints. The day finished with a lesson in baton handovers and a 4x100m relay race. In spite of the...
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Gribdale Gate

Hambleton Athletics and Running Club enjoyed a morning on the North York Moors earlier this month. Team HARC headed over to Gribdale Gate to enjoy a trail run across the moors, taking in the views from Little Roseberry and The Hanging Stone, on May 2. One group continued to Highcliff Nab and tackled the infamous Collapsed Lung hill, while the other group headed along the Cleveland Way to Percy Cross. The groups reconvened at a nearby farm shop for well-deserved hot drinks and bacon butties. We are a growing club offering 15 sessions per week from our bases in Bedale, Stokesley and Northallerton. “These include speed intervals, couch to 5K programmes and social runs.” If you would like to find out more about our friendly, inclusive, coaching-led club, please visit or contact
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Swainby Sweep Trail Race

Swainby Sweep Trail Race

Members of our club attended the Swainby Sweep Trail Race on Sunday. After months of cancelled events, it was fantastic for athletes to experience the return to a race atmosphere. Eight runners, including some of our Stokesley based members, braved the snow and wind to tackle the challenging trail event, taking in views of the Yorkshire Moors and across to the Dales. Sunshine prevailed, despite the early snowfall that led to the rerouting of the 16 mile race. Runners who had entered that distance were instead asked to complete two laps of the seven mile course – two miles shorter, yes, but with the added psychological hurdle of passing the finish line to continue for a second lap! In the seven mile race, Head Coach Chris Lees came 6th in his category (25th overall) with a time of 58:23, and Kay Kelly crossed the finish line in 1:13:16 to take 7th in her group. Anna Bonner (1:31:57) and Sara Sherwood (1:31:58) completed...
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