The HARC web app has a lot of bells and whistles for both the athletes and coaches. However, this post gives you some of the basics!

Signing-up and signing-in

Your profile is linked to your email address. You’ll have a profile if you’re a club member, if you’ve participated in any of our programmes, or if you’ve registered yourself or someone else for one of the events we’ve hosted.

If you don’t have a profile, or if you’re not sure, it’s easy to check and get signed-up:

  • If you’re not sure if you have a profile, or if you have one but can’t remember you login, go to, enter your email address, and choose a new password.
    If you don’t have a profile under that email address, you will get a message “email not registered”. Either try another email address if you think you may have registered with it, or go on to the next step to register a new profile
  • If you don’t have a profile, create a new one here:

If you have a profile already, the web app will normally remember who you are and so will automatically log you in when you go to any page. If you need to sign-in and can remember your password, just choose Sign-in or Register from the menu.


If you are registered on any of our programmes, or regular training sessions like Tuesday evenings, then by far the most useful page for most people is the home page.

This tells you where and when all of your sessions coming up in the next week are, who is leading each session, and gives you the opportunity to let the session leader know if you plan to attend or not (to help them manage the session safely). Also – by clicking on a session name or the program button next to it – you can see more details of what is in store in the session itself.

Athlete Profile

Once you have signed-in, you will see some additional menu items. One of them is Athlete Profile. This is your personal page, where all your information is gathered in one place.

At the top is information about you – contact details, health information, how long you’ve been training, what fitness tracker you use and emergency contact information. You can keep all of this up to date yourself using the Edit button.

It is really important to keep this information up to date, especially if you attend any of our coached sessions or sessions with a leader (Tuesday evening, Thursday evening, Saturday mornings or any other programme sessions). This is because key DBS-checked and licensed coaches and assistants will have access to this information in the event of an emergency – for example who we should contact and information for medics if you are unconscious like allergies or medical conditions.

Your profile may contain other information depending on whether you have been on programmes with us. You may see performance data we take from public sources at Run Britain and Parkrun, club memberships, and training plans.

Programmes and regular training

If you’re not registered on a programme or regular training session, you can see what is available and get yourself registered on the programmes page, here: – or you can find it under the Activities menu.

Some programmes are free to register on, some are only free to club members, and others have a fee for members and a different fee for non-members. All of these details can be found on the programme details pages by clicking on the name of the programme you are interested in.

Once you have found a programme or regular training series that you want to join, just click on the registration links from the programmes list, or the register button on the programme details page, and complete and submit the form. If there is a fee due, you will be asked to pay it to confirm your place.

Hopefully these brief introductory instructions will help you get started with this web app, and if you have any questions, you can always ask your coach or email

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