A number of club members recently took part in ‘Endure 24 Leeds’, a 24-hour running challenge at Bramham Park. We had a team, a pair and three soloists entered, and their achievements were fantastic!
The weekend was one of the warmest of the year which made running the five-mile circuits much tougher than they might otherwise have been. Part of the course meandered through some woodland areas giving much needed shade, but it was mostly very exposed to the blazing sun. Even the after-dark laps could not be described as cool, and the humidity was pretty unpleasant.
Head Coach, Chris Lees, is extremely proud of everyone who took part. He said, “This event is an extraordinary challenge even for seasoned athletes. It requires enormous mental strength, not just physical ability.”
Our team of six – Bridget Wilson, Jane Wilkinson, Dave Oldacres, Polly Oldacres, Becky Williams and Gemma Wardle – surpassed their own expectations and managed 100 miles (20 laps) between them, maintaining one...