3rd March 2025, 7.00pm
The Dales Centre, Bedale
All club members, including juniors (and their parents/carers), are invited to attend our AGM: this is your chance to get involved with the running of the club and to help share the work that goes into making HARC such an amazing organisation.
Election of the Committee
At our AGM, we will be electing the committee for 2025/2026. We have produced descriptions for all the roles (see the Roles page), including an indication of the type of skills and the time commitment each requires. We have also included a list of the current role-holders, and encourage you to speak to the current holder if any role is of interest to you.
Although England Athletics have recently changed their rules about committee members holding more than one of the specific roles, HARC will continue to appoint different people to each role wherever possible.
In total, we intend to elect twelve committee members at the AGM. From these twelve, five specific roles will be allocated:
- Chair;
- Treasurer (who automatically serves the role of Vice Chair);
- Secretary;
- Membership Secretary; and
- Head Coach.
The following roles can be held by any committee member, and allocation of these will be agreed at the first committee meeting after the AGM:
- Awards Sub-Committee;
- Competitive Team Manager;
- Officials Coordinator;
- Publicity Officer;
- Website Hamster;
- Welfare Officer / DBS Verifier; and
- Deputy Welfare Officer.
Key Responsibilities of All Committee Members
The following information is important to note before nominating yourself or others to stand for a committee role. All committee members:
- Must be an existing member of HARC (or the parent/carer of an existing junior member);
- Act as Members of the Company;
- Accept that, as Company Members, they are subject to liability of £1 maximum each;
- Must declare any conflict of interest at a vote;
- Must not have been disqualified from being a company director, or be bankrupt; and
- Be willing to actively participate in committee activities and understand that attending committee meetings is a core aspect of this.
Standing for Election to the Committee
If you wish to stand for election to the committee, please complete the self-nomination form. You must have the support of another club member who will second your nomination and include their name on the form. The deadline for submissions is midnight on Sunday 16th February 2025. Please ensure that you consider the role outlines (detailed in the link above) and the Key Responsibilities of All Committee Members (detailed above).
Election Process
In the event that there are more nominees for a specific role, or indeed for the committee as a whole, club members present at the AGM will be asked to vote by way of an anonymous ballot. Junior members and vulnerable adult members in attendance may vote if they are deemed capable of doing so. If they are not capable to vote, then a parent / carer / proxy voter may vote on their behalf, but the appointed person must be present at the AGM in order to cast the vote.
Two incumbent committee members will count and verify the votes. This will usually be the Secretary and Treasurer, unless there is a conflict of interest, in which case the Chair will appoint suitable substitutes.
Volunteer Roles
We will also be seeking volunteers to fulfil a number of non-committee roles, many of which are currently covered by committee members wearing multiple hats. Volunteer roles do not require you to be part of the committee, although you will be working closely with the committee and/or specific committee members, and you may be asked to contribute to committee meetings.
The volunteer roles are:
- Buddy Coordinator;
- Grants & Funding Officer;
- Kit Coordinator;
- Mental Health Champion;
- Parkrun Liaison;
- Route Scheduler;
- Running Events Promoter; and
- Social & Fundraising Events Coordinator.
Outlines for these roles are also available on the Roles page. Please contact the current role-holder if you have any further questions about the requirements of a particular role.
If you are interested in any of the volunteer roles, please complete the self-nomination form. There is no need for seconding for any of the volunteer roles.
Agenda Items
If you would like to put forward any items to be included in the AGM agenda, please submit details via email to Gemma (chair@harc.uk) by midnight on Sunday 16th February. The will be no opportunity to raise ‘Any Other Business’ at the AGM.