Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Nominee Name *FirstLastPlease insert your name here.Email *What roles are you interested in? *Committee RolesVolunteer RolesSelect one or both.Committee Roles *ChairTreasurerSecretaryMembership SecretaryHead CoachGeneral Committee MemberPlease tick the roles for which you are nominating yourself. You can select one role or more roles. The following roles can be held by any committee member and will be allocated at the first post-AGM committee meeting: Awards Sub-Committee; Competitive Team Manager; Officials Coordinator; Publicity Officer; Website Hamster; Welfare Officer / DBS Verifier; Deputy Welfare Officer.If you are not elected to the role(s) selected above, would you be prepared to stand as a General Committee Member?YesNoName of Seconder *FirstLastPlease insert the name of the club member who is seconding your nomination for committee roles.Volunteer Roles *Buddy CoordinatorGrants & Funding OfficerKit CoordinatorMental Health ChampionParkrun LiaisonRoute SchedulerRunning Events PromoterSocial & Fundraising Events CoordinatorPlease select all volunteer roles you are interested in. These can be held by any adult club member (including committee members).Submit Share this:FacebookX