What an amazing turn out we had for the Northallerton 10k last month! The blue vests were out in force on the course, as well as some super supporters at the start/finish area.

This year, the organisers changed the notoriously hilly course and the runners were directed clockwise meaning the long, steep Scholla Lane was an uphill section rather than down. Perhaps surprisingly, most of our runners reported finding this easier than the more gradual incline up Sandy Bank in previous years. Don’t be fooled though, this is still a tough 10k, so the slew of PBs bagged is testament to the determination of Team HARC on the day.

Here are the official results:
Luke Allen, 42:51; Marc Blair, 45:21 PB; Victoria Maidwell, 46:56; Andy Garner, 50:00 PB; Harriet Holmes, 54:13; Rich Slade, 58:48 PB; Chris Lees, 58:48; Sheila White, 1:04:06; Mary Gregory, 1:04:43; Robert Gregory, 1:08:12; Craig Dennis, 1:08:13 PB; Ruth Hancock, 1:08:49; Carolyn, 1:10:27 PB; Jane Kirk, 1:10:28; Michelle Slade, 1:11:46 PB; Sara Sherwood, 1:13:09; Gemma Wardle, 1:13:10; Jayne Gibson, 1:13:12 PB; Charlotte Haskell, 1:16:54; Donna Kirkhope, 1:20:56; Erin Marley, 1:20:57 PB.

Well done, everyone! And a big thank you to those not running who still braved the rain to cheer!

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