AWARD: “Nanny GOTY” for female performance
This award recognizes outstanding performance (GOTY – Greatest Of The Year) by a female athlete.
How is a winner chosen?
It is based on how close athletes get to their event’s national record (if available). The calculation looks at the difference between the record and the athlete’s season personal best, and compares this to the record itself.
The records used are at the end of each period (1st September), and are age graded. The record data is based on that published by England Athletics and the British Masters Athletics Federation.
Athlete performance is based on England Athletics data published on The Power of 10.
To receive this award, you must:
- Be a current adult member.
- Attend the minimum number of sessions in the award year – 25 for running members / 15 for athletics members.
- Be a member at the time of any qualifying performances.